Family violence is a big issue raised within our society, and as an individual I have human rights to rise above family violence,If you don't know you have the right to seek a safe place to live. You maybe confused on me saying I have a right to rise above family violence and maybe wondering how am I going to react in a way to decrease the level of this matter in New Zealand, there are multiple ways we can let loose of family violence we just need your community to stand together with there signs and march out around your district to raise awareness to support or act up on those children in our country who is getting abused and are afraid to open up. If you would ask me Why I stand for family violence ? I would most probably say that family is one of my first priority (value) they are my motivation and are my reasons to finish school where as if I would to ask you could you say the same ?, Maybe caused from your past abuse either language or physically treatment you feel like your real family ain't called family and your friends had created and home and made you feel like your there home girl something we would say nowadays. There are people around our country who are suffering from family violence and we need your help to over size your local with demanding and inspiring signs.
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