
Tuesday, 27 February 2018


Moari Words

Table - Tepu                                                                                             
Floor - Papa
Door - Kuaha
Window - Matapihi
Television - Pauawhakata
Computer - Rorohiko
Light - Raiti
Roof - Taunui
Poster - Panui
Cardboard - Papamihi
Desk - Tepu
Teacher - Kaiako
Notice - Panui
Whiteboard - Papama
Student - Akonga

Learner - Kaiako

These are some of the words we learnt in Te Reo it was challenging to learn these but i still gave them a try


South America Theory 
There are many theory of where the polysian migrated from, One of the theory are alot of people think that polysian come from South America, South America were also discover in the Raroia, A lsland on the eastern polysian, some people think that this evidence is true, Although some dont

Asia Theory 
Most people theory says that the Polynesians migrated from "Asia"  but therefor the both languages are the same.

My Opinion
I think that the South america Theory is a lot true because it gives me a lot stronger information then what the Asia Theory tells me.