
Friday, 5 October 2018

Te Rangatahi

Tēnā koe ~ How do you do hullo (one person) Tēnā korua ~ How do you do hullo ( two person) Tēnā koutou ~ How do you do hullo ( more than two) Tēnā koutou katoa ~ How do you do everyone hullo all of you Kia ora ~ Hullo Good day Mōrena ~ Good Morning Kei te pēhea koe ~ How are you ( one person ) Kei te pēhea korua ~ How are you ( two people ) Kei te pēhea koutou ~How are you ( more than two ) Kei te pai ~ Well , Thanks , Fine , Thanks E pēhea ana koe ~ How are you ( one person ) E pēhea ana korua ~ How are you ( two people ) E pēhea ana koutou ~ How are you ( more than two ) E pai ana ~ Well , Thanks , fine , thanks Haere mai ~ Welcome // Come here Nau mai ~ Welcome Haere rā ~ Goodbye E noho rā ~ Goodbye Hei kenei rā ~ Goodbye


  1. Fantastic. I think it's great to be learning the language of New Zealand. Maybe you could write a blog post completely in Maori.

    1. Thank you Mrs Shearing I appreciate the feedback and yes I do have a upcoming Maori story ready to be posted just needs editing and someone to read it to make sure i make sense and i'm using the Maori language spelling properly.
