
Friday, 16 November 2018


Over the past 5 periods we have had with Miss Wells we have been learning a lot we have done an science investigation, A pasted student from tamaki college came in and talk to us, we done personal Environment, Matauranga Science, & last but not least Parakuhi and Hauora.

However as you can see yesterday Myself and Cameo had been working on a little slide-show we have put together for the class. Our topic we choose was SuGaR the reason on why we choose sugar was because we wanted to relate it to the topic Parakuhi & Hauora lets see what you give us from what of classes view of point they had all gaven us a 25 / 25 but lets see what the open community / world give us not only that i hope that you have learnt something new.

In all of our classes expect english we are the only class that had got picked to try out Parakuhi & Hauora.



  1. For anyone visiting Bianca's blog and would like to score their presentation, here is the marking schedule! Bianca worked really in her team with Cameo to produce this, and evenly divided the researching and presenting work. I liked how they split sugar into the categories 'refined' and 'unrefined' when talking about health.

    5 marks for teamwork during creation.
    3 marks per slide for informative information.
    3 marks for visual beauty.
    5 marks for teamwork during presentation to class.
    3 marks for presentation communication.
    Total __ / 25

  2. Hi Bianca

    Great score from your peers. Sugar is very topical globally and I'm glad you decided to tackle this as part of your Parakuihi and Hauora learning. I have seen several students drinking a large bottle of fizzy for parakuihi. I trust your presentation will educate them as to the daily quantities they should be taking in. I score your presentation a 20/25 only because I was not present when you spoke to the class. 20/20 if I take out the score for class presentation.
