This blog is a record of my learning from Glen Taylor School through to Tamaki College.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Monday, 19 November 2018
Friday, 16 November 2018
Over the past 5 periods we have had with Miss Wells we have been learning a lot we have done an science investigation, A pasted student from tamaki college came in and talk to us, we done personal Environment, Matauranga Science, & last but not least Parakuhi and Hauora.
However as you can see yesterday Myself and Cameo had been working on a little slide-show we have put together for the class. Our topic we choose was SuGaR the reason on why we choose sugar was because we wanted to relate it to the topic Parakuhi & Hauora lets see what you give us from what of classes view of point they had all gaven us a 25 / 25 but lets see what the open community / world give us not only that i hope that you have learnt something new.
In all of our classes expect english we are the only class that had got picked to try out Parakuhi & Hauora.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Teachers Strike Day
I disagree with primary school teacher on strike because it affects the student education. Teachers should have a pay rise instead of a strike day because with a pay rise teachers would still come school because they need the money to support there bills and students wont miss out on there education.
Friday, 5 October 2018
Te Rangatahi
Tēnā koe ~ How do you do hullo (one person)
Tēnā korua ~ How do you do hullo ( two person)
Tēnā koutou ~ How do you do hullo ( more than two)
Tēnā koutou katoa ~ How do you do everyone hullo all of you
Kia ora ~ Hullo Good day
Mōrena ~ Good Morning
Kei te pēhea koe ~ How are you ( one person )
Kei te pēhea korua ~ How are you ( two people )
Kei te pēhea koutou ~How are you ( more than two )
Kei te pai ~ Well , Thanks , Fine , Thanks
E pēhea ana koe ~ How are you ( one person )
E pēhea ana korua ~ How are you ( two people )
E pēhea ana koutou ~ How are you ( more than two )
E pai ana ~ Well , Thanks , fine , thanks
Haere mai ~ Welcome // Come here
Nau mai ~ Welcome
Haere rā ~ Goodbye
E noho rā ~ Goodbye
Hei kenei rā ~ Goodbye
How Tamaki Makaurau Got Its Name
! The story of Tamaki Makaurau !
WOW ! where am I, Hey you have came to a beautiful place named Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) and I am here to spread the word to you on where Tamaki Makaurau had got it’s name how ever share this word around and let your family and friends know where Tamaki Makaurau got it’s name…
The 3 brothers crashed into a rock once there boat had crashed into the rocks they noticed that it was slowly tearing apart and they didn't have any way out to land so they couldn't do anything but stay there in a boat that was slowly breaking down but then they must have been there for a very long time because some how the brother had turned into rocks then became mountains after a very long time as times , day , years even till this day fly's by.
Hoilday Writing
My holidays wasn't as interesting as I thought it was going to be, I had planed to go out shopping, Beach, Movie and etc well it was alright but i realised how time can travel so fast. It Friday the 5th of October and woww this week has flew by fast we only have 1 more week til school starts back up this week was a free time week witch means NO RECAPPING THIS WEEK but when next week Monday comes by my heads down to education like Reading,Writing,Social Studies and etc i really dont want to do this but if i want to improve in my subjects then this is what it has to be and it is what it is
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Language Techniques
Not all of these have we covered in English but at some point of time in the year we will, These are Excellent & Above Standard Language Techniques to be used in a writing exams or any, There for, for me to want to get the top high score in my writing over the holiday i'm gonna push myself to study hard to get what i need ad want.
Blogging Over The Holidays
On the 29th of September it was my little cousins birthday, We all celebrated by going to Parakai ugh it was amazing, Splosh, Splash, Splosh, Splash everyone excited and united to come together as 1 and celebrate a memorial time.
The best part of the day was when I see dawn from Shortland St I was Excited, Jumpy, Hyped and many more i was left speechless but unfortunately i didn't get a photo with her :(.
The best part of the day was when I see dawn from Shortland St I was Excited, Jumpy, Hyped and many more i was left speechless but unfortunately i didn't get a photo with her :(.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Spoken Word Poem
I dig deep down through my skin
Hoping ill leave
Hoping ill never feel this pain again
And hoping im free
Not locked up in a room feeling unloved
And crying myself to sleep
I wanna be like a ordaniry kid
Thats Happy, Smiling, & Exicited for school the next day
But i dont get it
No one really knows the importance of you until your gone
Why ?
‘’ Yous said you’ll never do it again” but it hasnt stoped, Throw those ugly ass blads away it dosent do anything but hurts yourself & surroundings. You spoke up to me and told me ‘’ I dont know when its gonna end’’ it hurts me to even see a msg pop up on my screen like that,it was to late my help didnt do anything but as years pasted by the I see a post that says R.I.P to your name the devil had aready tock over your last breath and your final goodbyes it was to late , the thoughts rushing through my head were unbeliveable i thought to myself as if I didnt do much for you to apperciate my words and apperciate my help, I couldv’e stop you i could’ve done more for you to realise you are worth more, I could of done more…
The msg im trying get out there is suicide isn’t somthing we should be joking about and suicide needs more attention then any other problem does…
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
In Science over the past few weeks were been focusing on SOUND & LIGHT & ENERGY and this slide show above is some of the things I now know.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
The 3 Branches
Over the past few weeks we have been extending our mind and looking farther into LAWS and this is a poster I have created about LAWS.
Making laws take time, it isnt just making a rule if everyone agrees with it then the law is placed that law is what everyone has to go by, It takes time it has 7 steps for a bill to from itself. Introduction, First Reading, Select Committee, Second Reading, Committee Of The Whole House, Third Reading, & Royal Assent.
1) The Introduction repersents a bill that is introduced to all the houses, 2) Frist Reading Repersents MP debate whether the bill should go on to the select committee stage or wether it is going to be rejected 3) The Select Committe of the MP listen to the public views and the public has a choose wether they like this bill and if they want to put in another bill to add on 4) Second Reading is where the bill returns back to the Houses and reads the public veiw infront of all the houses then the members consider if the bill should move to the Committee Of The Whole House 5) Members debate the bill clearly but then the bill can take several day and this is the last time the MP can change the bill 6) The Third reading is where everyone becomes as 1 and descuss what will happen IF the bill becomes a LAW 7) Royal Assent is the final stage where the Governor-General sgins a the bill to the law to be relased.

1) The Introduction repersents a bill that is introduced to all the houses, 2) Frist Reading Repersents MP debate whether the bill should go on to the select committee stage or wether it is going to be rejected 3) The Select Committe of the MP listen to the public views and the public has a choose wether they like this bill and if they want to put in another bill to add on 4) Second Reading is where the bill returns back to the Houses and reads the public veiw infront of all the houses then the members consider if the bill should move to the Committee Of The Whole House 5) Members debate the bill clearly but then the bill can take several day and this is the last time the MP can change the bill 6) The Third reading is where everyone becomes as 1 and descuss what will happen IF the bill becomes a LAW 7) Royal Assent is the final stage where the Governor-General sgins a the bill to the law to be relased.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Friday, 17 August 2018
Plastic Bag Ban
Today I read an article on the government decision to BAN RUBBISH BAGS however I agree with our prime minster Jacinda Aderen we should Ban plastic bags because whens there less plastic bags there's a high chance of birds not getting sick and living life to the fullest & keeping our country a tidy kiwi.
But there will be a change without our plastic bags and that's losing our traditional way & you will be use of getting a plastic bag and putting your food in it unless we use boxes.
However i think this is a embarrassment for us as New Zealand to expose our self saying we need to ban rubbish bags because we are hurting our animal and to keep New Zealand clean and tidy.
"In our rush through modern life, We leave behind a mountain of RUBBISH that gets a little higher each year. The problem starts in our homes so does the solution" This quote was written by: Dave Hansford.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018
How To Write A Haiku Poem
You have no more then 17 syllables and no more then 3 line the first line must have 5 syllables and the second must have 7 the last one must have 5, to make it easier to remember use the 575. It stands for 5 syllables for the first and 7 for the second and the very last one is 5 for the last line.
What do you think Tokelau will look like in 20 years time?
In the future in 20 years time I think Tokelau will have ultra-modern houses, proper roads and the sea levels will rise so high that they will not have any land. There also could be faster transport from Samoa to Tokelau or Tokelau to Samoa for the students to go school on time and go from one place to another. They won't need to wake up early just go to school. They can take their time to get ready and get up because the boats will run off hydrofoils.
In the future in 20 years time I think Tokelau will have ultra-modern houses, proper roads and the sea levels will rise so high that they will not have any land. There also could be faster transport from Samoa to Tokelau or Tokelau to Samoa for the students to go school on time and go from one place to another. They won't need to wake up early just go to school. They can take their time to get ready and get up because the boats will run off hydrofoils.
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
What is a Bystander ?
In my own words I think a bystander is someone that does take part in a role but is there to let things happen.
What is a cyberbully ?
A Cyberbully is a person that is online texting bad things directly to that person Eg: Your useless, You were a mistake, Go kill yourself.
What is a Survivor ?
A Survivor is the person that survivors though thick & thin that never gives up and stays strong when roads get rough.
Tuesday, 29 May 2018
After 5 years in New Zealand I wanted to migrate back to Tokelau and see the changes that have happend within the years i haven't been there , However 2 - 5 hours after deporting to my destination i notices the change straight away , I noticed that there were people digging well through the sand and collecting water and not getting water the way we used to in the old days, I also noticed the food they were growing Eg: Taro , Coconut , Breadfruit & seafood & many more but I think going back to my home Island is a really different but still i really enjoy it .
Saturday, 12 May 2018
We as a school was lucky enough to have Revelation come down and talk to us about life as life I mean really deep down in life, as a community we need to help those that need the help we need to try our best to support those that need it we need to try our overall best to increase the amount of people that's taking there life away because of bullies and many more, but the main subject of why people commit suicide is because of bullies and that's is why i'm pointing it out because over 1,000 people this year have committed suicide because of those people if you are a vitim then you should change because i'm pretty sure you don't want to be the person that's known as the mean person once you leave school. However its hurting and its painful for us as a community that's not doing anything about it and is just getting pushing it to aside as if its not a big problem its time to put the word our to your community to help the vitims of this change and to heal the pain a easier way instead of taking our beautiful life we have got given, and remember we only live once so just remember the chooses we make in life this is a serious problem students or even parents are struggling with.
COMMENT #IMGONNACHANGE to support those that's in need !!
Hey as you know my name is Bianca and I have chosen me a goal for the week and that is to post at least twice a day, I also have said I will choose me a goal for each week until week 5 either a goal for outside of school or inside of school I think for me trying my best to post at least twice a day is really good and that value goes under success and excellent.
Goal : To post at least twice each day !
We represent the word RISE at Tamaki College, and each of these letters stand for something wherever R stands for RESPECT Eg: Respect others property and be mindful that Respect is a relationship you want to keep heading older, I represents INTEGRITY integrity means being honest to our pears were surrounded by or anyone S stands for SUCCESS success is also something you want to keep a relation ship with because without success you can not achieve anything in life & last but not least E shows EXCELLENT, Tamaki College definitions of excellent is being an outstanding and extremely amazing student to show our RISE values wherever & whenever we are.
At Tamaki College we started a program called Accelerated reader it helps us improve our reading. I convince all the students & guests that are currently reading this to ask and talk to your dean to give this website a go, Before you talk to Him (or) Her here are some of the ways you can try convince Him // Her to apply this app at your school, ( Once you read your book you write the book in the search bar on the app and push take quiz then it should asks you some of the questions about the book ) remember don't look throw the book when you take this test ! THAT'S NUMBER 1 RULE ! Heres a photo of 1 of our class from Tamaki College doing this (AR) witch means Accelerated reader !
Friday, 11 May 2018
What are some of the challenges that Tokelauns are facing
Some of the things Tokelau are struggling with is survival. Survival in Tokelau is one of the main and big problems they have in Tokelau, It is that big when someone goes fishing and they have more then enough food for themselves and there family that person goes around and share's the rest with the rest of the neighbourhood to help the rest of the island to survive.
However another problem they are currently facing is space, Space is that Island is ruffly the same condition as SURVIVAL did you know that the pigs cant fit on the island so when the tide goes out they have that space to themselves and when the tides in they swim around in the sea.
I can relate on this because I've watch a video on something similar to this and I got a better idea on how they might feel and on how there reactions are the first time this had happend to them / this island however they think this is normal for them because this has been happening for a while and for us people in NZ we might have a wired feeling on this situation about this being normal for them.
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